Age and Fertility
Age and fertility
Leading edge fertility treatments have enabled the fertility doctors at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates to bring babies into the lives of countless families. Though these treatments have been crucial in overcoming a wide variety of fertility issues, there are effects of nature that no treatment can overcome. Advanced maternal age is one of these hurdles.

There are many reasons that women delay family building: education, career, finances, relationships, health issues, and others. Having more options for how we live our lives and honor personal timelines is incredibly empowering. Waiting too long to get pregnant, however, can mean a difficult, sometimes impossible, journey to parenthood through pregnancy.
Know the Facts about Age and Infertility
As women age, their chances of getting pregnant and having a baby diminish. There are several causes for age-related infertility:
Disrupted ovulation: Over time, ovaries become less efficient at releasing eggs, making natural conception difficult.
Diminished ovarian reserve: Since women start out life with all of the eggs they will ever have, there is a limited number. After years of ovulating, there are simply fewer eggs available for conception.
Egg health: As women age, so do their eggs. This can mean that the remaining eggs have structural, genetic or other issues that make them less likely to become fertilized or create a healthy embryo.
Age-related health issues: Though some health conditions can negatively affect fertility at any stage in a woman’s life, they are more likely to be present later in life. The chances of health issues reducing fertility increases with time.
Higher miscarriage rate: Older women have a higher chance of losing a pregnancy through miscarriage than younger women. It’s not completely understood why, but studies have shown that while women under 35 have about a 15 percent chance of miscarriage, women between 35 and 45 have as much as a 20-35 percent chance of miscarriage.
Paternal age: Older women tend to have older partners as well. New studies link paternal age with an increased risk for birth defects, miscarriage and infertility.
Overcoming Age-Related Infertility
Our advice to women is to start planning for fertility sooner rather than later. Since this isn’t always possible, at Dallas-Fort Worth Fertility Associates, we’re committed to offering women with age-related infertility issues several options for bringing home the baby of their dreams.
Donor egg IVF: For women with significantly diminished ovarian function, using a donor egg with an IVF procedure might be an option. Since the eggs are typically from younger donors, the chances of a successful pregnancy can significantly increase.
Donor embryo IVF: For single women, same sex couples or couples with both male and female infertility issues, using a donor embryo allows for a natural pregnancy. In this case, a donor egg and sperm are combined to create an embryo. The embryo is then transferred to the intended mother’s uterus for pregnancy.
Gestational carriers and surrogacy: In cases where a successful natural pregnancy isn’t an option, there are surrogates who carry a pregnancy to term for a woman.
Each Woman Is an Individual
Though the statistics and reproductive science surrounding advanced maternal age seem overwhelming, it’s important for each woman to remember that her fertility story is unique. The best way to find out more is to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive fertility evaluation. The results will help guide the best treatment options for you.