Use a Sperm Donor
IUI with donor sperm
Pregnancy Rates for IUI with Donor Sperm
In a patient with no other causes of infertility, pregnancy rates utilizing frozen donor sperm are about 15 percent per cycle depending upon multiple factors including age. Chances of conceiving after a number of cycles are good, but not all patients will conceive. Pregnancy rates for women who have an additional cause or causes for their infertility will be somewhat lower. The uncomplicated patient may achieve a 60 to 80 percent cumulative pregnancy rate after six cycles of artificial insemination using donor sperm (AID).

Male Donor Selection
Donors may be chosen from commercial sperm banks. All donors are screened periodically for a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. The sperm that is utilized has been kept in quarantine for at least six months and only released after the donor is tested again for sexually transmitted diseases. A family history is usually taken by the medical director of the sperm bank. While criteria may vary depending upon which commercial sperm bank is chosen, in general, donors are not utilized if:
A family history is not obtainable (i.e., donor was adopted)
There is a definite genetic disorder in the family (i.e., cystic fibrosis), unless the carrier status of that donor can be obtained.
There is a strong family history of any medical condition.
Donors are usually matched to general physical characteristics of the husband and/or wife. Transferring the sperm vials from a commercial bank to Dallas Fertility Center is the responsibility of the patient. Patients will need to complete a sperm storage consent form obtained from Dallas Fertility Center (214-692-4550). Most sperm banks require a separate consent form and payment before shipping sperm. In order to minimize shipping costs, and to facilitate convenience, it is advisable to order three vials of sperm at a time. If pregnancy is not achieved after three vials, some patients choose to change sperm donors. In general, two types of sperm are available: washed (usually more expensive) and unwashed. The preparation cost at Dallas Fertility Center for both washed and unwashed sperm is the same, and both are acceptable.
In addition to the Sperm Storage Consent form, an IUI Donor Insemination consent form obtained from our office will need to be signed by both the male and the female, and witnessed by a Notary Public.
Pre-cycle Testing Before IUI with Donor Sperm
Tubal patency is established by a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) done in the first part of the cycle. Cervical cultures, and possibly other blood tests, also may be conducted. Providing these tests are normal, a Donor Insemination (AID) cycle may begin. If any of the screening tests are not normal, additional therapy and/or additional testing may be required prior to beginning AID.
IUI Insemination Procedures
Ordinarily, one insemination is performed per cycle. The intrauterine insemination is performed at the time of ovulation. The timing of the insemination is determined by serial urinary LH surge testing, or by serial ultrasounds of the ovaries. All inseminations are performed using the intrauterine technique utilizing sperm that has been washed. Inseminations are performed every day of the week.
Cost will vary from $900 to $2,000 per cycle, depending upon the cost of the sperm, the type of monitoring conducted, and the possible use of fertility medications. The actual costs will be determined by the number of sonograms, the type and amount of medication, the sperm used, and the number of office visits. Please contact our office to request a consultation for more information.
Can I have the same donor for a second child?
Arrangements to set aside enough sperm for a second child should be made prior to the first pregnancy. Unused sperm vials or additional sperm vials may be stored for future use, although Dallas Fertility Center reserves the right to discontinue long-term sperm storage at any time, thereby requiring the owner to transfer the sperm to a long-term cryopreservation facility. A storage fee applies.
Legal Issues
Under Texas statute, any child conceived through donor insemination is considered to be the legal child of both the husband and the wife, and not the donor. The signed consent form indicating your understanding of this Texas law will be kept on file.
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